Our fields of activity
Socio-ecological transformation
The RCE Graz-Styria initiates, supports and researches socio-ecological transformation processes in specific subject areas. This involves far-reaching changes to non-sustainable structures and processes. In this way, we work towards a way of life that is compatible with nature and people in the long term. Concrete social challenges are our starting point. In close cooperation with actors from the field, we take up radically innovative impulses from society, critically examine their potential, develop them further together with actors from the field and intervene in public debates based on evidence. To this end, we pursue a range of approaches and develop them further. The focus is on living labs, action research and the systematization of experiences.

Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Andreas Exner
+43 316 380 - 8895
Regional Centre of Expertise Graz-Styria – Zentrum für nachhaltige Gesellschaftstransformation

Fair nutrition
For an increasing number of people, food security in the sense of healthy, affordable, culturally appropriate and sustainable food is not a given or is at risk. In order to make food systems more inclusive and ecologically sustainable, we are working on alternative food networks such as food coops, new forms of cooperatives and the redesign of food environments. We combine the development of practical social innovations with basic research into eating habits and their social differentiation, working with practitioners to develop solutions for greater food justice and sustainable food systems.
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Andreas Exner
+43 316 380 - 8895
Regional Centre of Expertise Graz-Styria – Zentrum für nachhaltige Gesellschaftstransformation
Social Economy
For us, people and nature take center stage in the economical system. We think of economic activity as relationship based and based on the needs of people and nature. This includes not only production for the market, but also, for example, helping neighbors and working in the household. Companies and organizations in the social economy pursue social or ecological objectives, are organized democratically or participatively, and reinvest profits. From a social economy perspective, we promote, support, develop and research new forms of business and economic concepts as well as their potential in urban and regional development and in the areas of food and housing.

Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Andreas Exner
+43 316 380 - 8895
Regional Centre of Expertise Graz-Styria – Zentrum für nachhaltige Gesellschaftstransformation
Urban green space
Climate change, social conflict and increased demands on quality of life are motivating cities to look for integrative, nature-based solutions for innovative urban planning and development. Green space plays a key role in this. We analyze the social functions of urban green space, organize the participatory development of green infrastructure, develop participatory future scenarios and evaluate ecosystem services together with citizens and various stakeholders.

Mag.rer.nat. Dr.phil. Andreas Exner
+43 316 380 - 8895
Regional Centre of Expertise Graz-Styria – Zentrum für nachhaltige Gesellschaftstransformation

Sustainable mobility
Based on everyday mobility practices, our focus is therefore on the design of public space . On this basis, we develop theoretically sound and practically feasible mobility concepts for municipalities, cities and regions in close cooperation with citizens, administration, politics, business and NGOs. In this perspective, we carry out inter- and transdisciplinary research projects dedicated to the conditions of and barriers to sustainable mobility.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anke Strüver
+43 316 380 - 5138
Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung
bitte Termin über sabine.schwarzl@uni-graz.at machen