The Regional Center of Expertise Graz-Styria is a pioneer of transdisciplinary methods: Participatory methods such as living labs and action research are among our core competencies. We therefore cooperate with a wide range of actors: social movements, citizens' initiatives, interest groups, companies, state institutions and NGOs. The RCE Graz-Styria combines impulses for radical social innovations that come from society with excellent scientific research. We continuously focus on new topics, ideas and methods in order to do pioneering work.
Our fields of activity
Socio-ecological transformation takes place in real situations. Thus, the RCE Graz-Styria examines and works on processes of change in the areas of fair nutrition, social economy, sustainable housing, urban green spaces and sustainable mobility. The RCE team works on an inter- and transdisciplinary basis. We combine scientific expertise with concrete practical knowledge.
Our partners
VÖWG - Association of the Austrian Public Sector and Public Economy
The RCE Graz-Styria is a member of the VÖWG, which represents the interests of the public sector, particularly in the area of services of general interest. Services of general interest are understood to be public and public welfare-oriented activities for the provision of necessary goods and services within the framework of a community. According to the definition of the EU Commission (2003), this includes market-related and non-market-related activities that are provided in the public interest and are therefore linked to specific public service obligations by the authorities. The VÖWG therefore represents companies and institutions that provide services of general interest that are owned by, in partnership with or on behalf of local authorities. In addition to public infrastructure (passenger transport, water, energy, waste), the concept of services of general interest also includes education, health, culture and social services. The VÖWG represents interests at European and national level and works in the areas of economy, finance and internal market, social affairs and health, media and communication, transport, environment and energy. The aim is to improve the networking of local authorities and public enterprises with institutions from politics, business and science at national and European level. As the Austrian section of the European Central Association of Public Enterprises in Brussels - SGI Europe - the VÖWG is part of the European social partners and is involved in the development of legislation. In addition, as a member of the International Research and Information Center for Communities - CIRIEC - based in Liège/Belgium, the VÖWG makes use of international expertise and contacts. In this way, it safeguards the interests of its members and plays an effective role in shaping European economic and social policy.
Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria
Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria
The Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria is a national association of 15 Austrian universities(as of 2019) that are committed to sustainability issues:
- Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Danube University Krems
- Johannes Kepler University Linz
- University of Graz
- University of the Arts Graz
- University of Music and Performing Arts
- Mozarteum University Salzburg
- University of Leoben
- University of Salzburg
- Graz University of Technology
- University of Applied Arts Vienna
- Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
- University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
The University of Graz and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna launched this initiative at the beginning of 2012 with the support of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research. The goals of the alliance are cross-university activities and exchange of experience as well as the use of synergies between the universities in the following five areas of work:
- Sustainability in teaching
- Sustainability in research
- industrial ecology
- Knowledge transfer and public relations work on sustainability topics
- Strategic development/sustainability strategy
The overarching goals are to anchor sustainability issues more firmly at universities and thus contribute to a sustainable society.
Copernicus Alliance
The COPERNICUS Alliance is the European University Network for Sustainable Development. The University of Graz is one of the founding members of this network, which was officially launched in 2010 with a kick-off workshop in Graz, and it also assumed the presidency from 2010 to 2012.
The COPERNICUS Charter, which was developed by the European University Rectors' Conference in 1993 and signed by 326 universities by 2005, was the basis for the creation of the COPERNICUS Alliance. This charter was revised when the network was re-established. The vision of the COPERNICUS Alliance is to promote sustainable development within the European higher education sector by developing education and research together with social stakeholders.
Global RCE network
Global RCE network
In addition to the local and national networks, the RCE Graz-Styria is also integrated into the global community of RCEs, which currently comprises 175 centers. These aim to strengthen cooperation between local and regional stakeholders with regard to education for sustainable development and to promote and utilize international exchange within the RCE network, in line with the motto "think global, act local". The individual RCEs have different focuses and structures. This enables them to provide targeted support for the region-specific key issues of sustainable development.
Climate Alliance
Climate Alliance
The RCE Graz-Styria is an official Climate Alliance company and thus supports climate protection measures. The Climate Alliance is the largest municipal climate protection network in Europe. Municipalities, schools and businesses form a partnership with indigenous organizations in the Amazon. The Climate Alliance was founded in 1990 in Frankfurt am Main between representatives from twelve municipalities (from Austria, Germany, Switzerland), delegates from six indigenous organizations and representatives of 15 other organizations (universities, NGOs, etc.). Parallel to the establishment of the Climate Alliance's European Secretariat in Frankfurt am Main, coordination offices were set up in several countries at regional or national level. The Climate Alliance is now active in 18 European countries.
oikos Graz
oikos Graz
"oikos Graz - Students for Sustainable Economics and Management" is a student association that tries to encourage all students to act more sustainably through its events and projects. Events "by students for students" facilitate young people's access to an omnipresent topic.
oikos Graz is part of an international network that was founded in 1987 by students at the University of St. Gallen to include environmental and sustainability aspects in their business and law studies. Today, over 50 groups are active in Europe, America and Asia.
Sustainability4U is a cooperation of the four universities in Graz(University of Graz, Medical University, University of Art and Design and University of Technology). University of Technology) to bundle and promote their efforts for sustainable development. This strategic advisory, development and action committee was set up in 2009 on the initiative of the four rectors and has since been able to set the tone at inter-university level.
By joining forces, the four universities in Graz aim to play a pioneering role at local, national and international level. Based on the ecological, economic, social and institutional principles of sustainable development, the aim of Sustainability4U is to tackle intra- and inter-university, regional, national and global challenges and provide appropriate answers. These include inter- and transdisciplinary teaching and research, student education and staff training and the areas of management and administration.
The Sustainability4U team includes people from each university who are involved in the process of sustainable development at the respective university. Regular meetings are held to exchange ideas and experiences, making it possible to tackle "big" issues quickly and constructively.
Responsibility for sustainable development
The project UniNEtZ - Universitiesand Sustainable DevelopmentGoalsis a project initiated by the "Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria", in which a total of 15 (as of 2020) universities have joined forces to form a platform since 2012. The aim of the UniNEtZ project is to draw up an options paper for the Austrian federal government that identifies and evaluates future-oriented options for action in line with the implementation decided by the Council of Ministers. As a short-term interim goal, this is intended to support the Republic of Austria in its obligation to report to the UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) in spring 2020. At the same time, however, the focus is on implementing sustainable development in Austria. This results in desirable synergies - e.g. improved interdisciplinary networking and increased cooperation between the universities and the non-university research institutions and subordinate departments that are particularly relevant to the Ministry of Science - and the joint identification of research needs and options for action.
- Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- Danube University Krems
- Johannes Kepler University Linz
- University of Graz
- Graz University of the Arts
- University of Music and Performing Arts
- Mozarteum University Salzburg
- Medical University of Innsbruck
- University of Leoben
- University of Salzburg
- Graz University of Technology
- University of Applied Arts Vienna
- Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
- University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna